How I can convince my daughter(s) to wear a chastity belt
Laura Or she can be just informed she can get a belt anytime once she is about to have sex.
It can still damage the relationship if we have to wear a belt while in couple,right before we start having sex...
Sara2001 think starting it in a relationship is cruel.
I think too.However,it was a bit different for me than for you.And I sometimes had to wear it when I've a boyfriend/girlfriend and we're sexually active,but punished this way.I hated it so much too when I got this punishment(even if it is worse now)...
I think it can be easier if you know someone who have some experience with it,yes.
Sara2001 I still hate it with all that background
On one hand,it would be pleasant to have sex with him as long as she can,on the other hand,it will impact the relationship more badly if they're used to have sex and she's prevented of it suddenly...
By "in advance",do you mean as soon as she started to date him,before she leaves for the first date?
Vanessa On one hand,it would be pleasant to have sex with him as long as she can
So, you suggest another rebelling by telling parents she is not doing it and not going to.
Vanessa By "in advance",do you mean as soon as she started to date him,before she leaves for the first date?
As soon as a potential BF is around.
Laura So, you suggest another rebelling by telling parents she is not doing it and not going to.
If she's not virgin anymore,and they take care to protect them,it isn't a big misbehaving,especially knowing they won't be able to do it again soon,and want to feel a bit each other...And better to know if they match well sexually before getting married;if not,they can work on it and enjoy more their wedding night.
Laura As soon as a potential BF is around.
Even before the first date or first kiss?
Renita this is called libertine
Or expressing her love!
Laura It will avoid more problems in future, if a girl starts kissing wearing a belt already
Right,even if it means no chance to feel a bit each other,at least it is very clear for both they can date but won't have sex until married,even if they both want it.
Hello girls,
In my household we are 3 sisters, and the youngest is absolutely against belting. She is more different to me or my elder sister, so I gess that the capability of being convinced to be belted is in the person.
I am convinced that if my sister accept to be belted it will be without doubt to have my parents consentiment to do some activity (go weekend out or similar). But if the agreement is this, I am belted so I can do something, I would not call it "convinced" It is, maybe, just pay a tax.
To be convinced is intimately related to the concept of herself of the girl.
And nobody must fight against nature, I think.
Well, no doubt my mom and my sister Teresa are examples for me.
Not only in this aspect.
And we think than nobody can be convinced of do something that she see as antinatural. For me wear a chastity belt fullfill me in some aspects. So for that there is not war between be a good professional and the wish of feeling loved and caressed for your family. I am very young still, but if I have daughters, I would proud if they choose wear a belt.
Anyway, the social imposition of "the only type of woman aceptable is this (the woman ashamed of a lot of things that make us women) " can become harder convince a girl to take this way. I see this in my home everyday..