Sin For my parents it's not the physical state of having a hymen in place that's important, it's your actions and behaviour.
Better this way.
No consensus about it,so?Not even a theory that is accepted by most scientists?
HHelen For the parents' convenience.
I agree,intact hymen is often more important for parents than for daughter.
LoonyMel Better to stick to the mindset than to the physical factor.
I agree.
Ines kneel in front of my man as symbol of my love...
After marriage only?
We have some voluntary male wearers,so,probably,they would wait.
Ines For example, the other day I read that with the law in the hand, is legal, in York, to kill a Scottish man if he has a bow. .. Obviously is a norm not very well suited to current times...
There is several laws such this one,some from old times,and some totally absurd,in almost all countries!😉